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  A compact modern rendering of the classic Yawara & Kubotan Style Self Defense Palm Sticks, with an ergonomic & firm Fist-Lock™ grip incorporated into the Patent Pending design!


 Offered is ONE Patent Pending, Easy-Carry, Compact, Ergonomic Firm Grip, Self Defense Yawara Stick! 


  Offered in a Fatter 1/2" diameter rod than my previous Polymer sticks, and NOW made with Dupont™ Delrin® Grade 150 Homopolymer Acetal Resin, either Black OR White Rod and vailable in THREE length options!  (6", 5-1/2", or 5" available, and 6" shown in photos)


An extremely tough and stiff polymer, that works really well in this application. The video below was a challenge I made to a Youtube Martial Arts guy (wmpyr), to actually TRY to break it by repeated hard striking, and from all angles into an old hardened truck tire. Just 4 minutes, and worth a few chuckles also:


   I decided to make some of these in White Delrin rod because I noticed a LOT of women were buying my Polymer sticks, and in most cases they were carrying the stick in their Purses. As is NO surprise, women can really cram a LOT of items into those purses, ....and the "all black" self defense stick can get lost and not stand out within a large purse. These WHITE rod two-tone sticks will be much easier to locate them if needed. When seconds count this CAN make a huge difference!

 The 6" is the best all around pocket carry stick, as the longer length allows wrist and arm locking maneuvers a little better.


  The 5-1/2" or 5" versions makes a nice dress shirt pocket carry stick, where it appears more like a Magic Marker than a Self Defense Tool. 


  The 5" versions make spinning in one hand easier, which is a FUN way to kill some time when needed, and get a hand dexterity workout at the same time. (a NEW spin on Fidget Spinners!).


  For Pants or Jacket Pocket Carry ANY of the stick lengths nestles in most any pocket unnoticed and strike hard! 


Designed & Hand Crafted in the USA!  


  Also, NO metal is used in it's construction, so these sticks can often be carried where a metal one cannot. 


  A thoughtful and affordable Gift, this is my 2nd "most affordable" hand made Yawara Stick for those on a really tight budget.  For just a few extra dollars, you gain the benefits of a fatter and higher profile central Fist-Lock™ Grip with a wider striking surface. The wider tip surface also makes this a stick useful Acupressure Tool, Medicinal Pill Crusher, and Portable Door Knocker for Home Delivery Professionals.


  I spend the same time on these as on my Titanium versions, and frankly it's not a great money maker for me for the time spent. (at least 1/2 hour to hand make and finish,...check out the tip and grip finishing photos)  A bargain at TWICE the price! :-)


  However, I wanted to make something that will still help keep my customers on a really tight budget safer, and hope that once they have a chance to handle this stick they might very well move up to one or more of my Titanium versions when they're in a better financial position.  :-)

  Your Outer Fingers "Mechanically Lock" & Center The Stick Laterally In the Hand - Inner Fingers Add Substantial Grip...Creating Fist-Lock™! The raised reinforced grip fits into that "small pocket" created where your fingers meet the hand once the fingers are curled, as happens naturally when you make a fist.


  The next to last photo shows the hand with fingers outstretched, and there is no "cup" presented in the hand. The LAST photo shows the small pocket created once the fingers are bent. Much like a Key Way holding a wheel onto an electric motor shaft, this grip design forms a "mechanical connection" of the stick to your hand! It has been well received by knowledgeable Martial Arts practitioners and MANY others as creating an outstanding grip! The GRIP Is Absolutely Awesome In that "Cupped Pocket" where your Fingers meet the Hand! Simple, comfortable, and EFFECTIVE!


Stay Safe!


NOTE: "Dupont™ Delrin® Series 100 Acetal Homopolymer Resin"  is a long name, but a material this good for a defensive palm stick needs to be fully and accurately Identified because there are other formulations of Dupont™ Delrin® available with differing properties.


  Also, this material is used by other manufacturers as a raw ingredient, and the actual rod I've made these from was manufactured by a company called "Ensinger" using the Dupont™ Delrin® 100 Series material outlined with the designation "Delrin* 150" originally marked on the rod.  For you hobbiests types,....if "stiff" and "tough" are what you need, Grade 150 Dupont Delrin® is what you want! :-)


The link below shows details of DuPont™ Delrin® 100 Series Polymers, and I've copied just some of the info below the link that is important to my stick production.......


Delrin® 100 Series Properties and Performance


Delrin® 100 Series

Delrin® 100 Series Properties and Performance

Mechanical Properties Performance


The resins in the Delrin® 100 acetal homopolymer series are distinguished by their high molecular weight relative to other acetal grades.  This identifying feature of these high performance  acetal homopolymers, along with their natural high crystallinity, yields materials that have:


  • Toughness, high impact strength, high resistance to repeated impact, and high elongation without the need for impact modifiers.
  • High mechanical strength and rigidity, without the need for fillers/reinforcements or other modifications.
  • Outstanding creep resistance and long-term fatigue endurance.

Dupont™ Delrin® 1/2" Diameter Rod Yawara Stick W/ Fist-Lock™ (Black OR White)

  • NOTE: Because I have every confidence you will love this item, based on immense Positive Feedback of this design from my customers (Martial Arts Instructors,  Law Enforcement, & Military included!), I offer a....

    1 Year Money Back Guarantee If Not Delighted!  

    NOW you have no reason NOT to try one to see what you've been missing! :-)


    Top Customer Reviews (regarding a similarly designed Yawara Stick but made in Titanium):


    5.0 out of 5 stars Made in the USA Built to Last a Lifetime! !!!


    By william on May 17, 2016  Verified Purchase on Amazon


       " In the 15 years I have worked in one aspect or another in law enforcement, I have bought many impact weapons, from tactical pens to mini mag lights, this is one of the most solid and beautifully hand crafted sticks I have owned. A secondary weapon is essential to carry even if you carry a firearm, because in a close quarters situation you may need a weapon to ward off your attacker to give you precious seconds to either escape or deploy your firearm. I carry this stick openly in my hand at times and it does not draw any attention. I will carry it when jogging, ...try doing the same with a knife, ...that may draw a crowd! lol This stick I have owned for about six months, & it still looks like it did the first day I received it, very solid and built to last a lifetime. I love the fact it is made in the USA,... the quality is impeccable. I would really recommend this stick to anyone that is interested. Buy one, your life may depend on it. Thanks and stay safe. "


       I believe every Citizen should be carrying "something" with them  everyday to defend themselves against an unprovoked attack. The world truly is not what it once was.......and defensive sticks such as I offer are a good starting point for everyone!


    A secure grip is something that has often been lacking with the related Yawara and even more compact Kubotan sticks, they most always seem a bit slippery to me.  I've also never liked the multiple deep cutaway finger grooves often seen with Kubotans in an attempt to add some security to the grip. 


    Kubotan sticks are already rather thin, so to cut material away in an attempt to add "grip" is going in the wrong direction. I think what I present here is much better, as initial testing and VERY Positive Customer Feedback bear that out!  I've also not been a  fan of the permanently attached jumble of keys should you ever need to deploy the stick defensively!


    So,.....I offer instead a basic Yawara / Kubotan palm stick shape, but having a VERY comfortable and secure grip with a high coefficient of friction reinforced rubber central area, that is optimized to the user's hand like no other!


    I make these up in a compact 6" length that will fit most folks well, and with a center gripping area of almost 1-7/8 inches long that allows a firm and comfortable grip for the "average" sized hand.  However, if your hand is exceptionally small or large, let me know and I can custom fit the grip length to your hand.  


     For Civilians in a self-defense situation,....where "striking" and pressure point applications are the norm in order to extract youself from a dangerous encounter as quickly as possible,....a low profile stick that's easy to carry discretely will get the job done.  


    As part of the overall ergonomic design, this grip will allow the user to effectively "lock" the stick into their closed fist, with about an inch or so of stick exiting the fist on each end.


    With the inside edge of the first finger wrapped around the rod and butted up against the comfortably tapered top edge of the grip, ....and the inside edge of the forth (pinky) finger wrapped around and butted up against the similarly tapered lower edge of the grip,......the stick is effectively LOCKED in place between both ends of the rubber grip within the closed fist! 


    It's tough to describe how solid and comfortable this feels in several strike positions,.....and I wouldn't have invested so much time and money into this were it not a significant improvement in the "art" of  Yawara and Kubotan sticks.


    Additionally, when used defensively, the body's natural reaction is to make an even tighter fist, which serves very well here to "lock" the stick into the fist.  Simple Fist Lock™ at work!


    I have been working on this style for some time now, (along with several other defensive stick designs offered in my other listings :-),.... and have recently filed for a US Utility Patent covering the various modes of carriage and methods of construction. 


    I would not have invested a substantial sum for completing a rather lengthy US Utility Patent Filing had I not believed, (in the world we live in today!) .....that EVERYONE should be carrying at least one defensive stick device, if not more!


    For lots of reasons it makes sense to consider carrying multiple defensive sticks at various locations upon your person, which is what I most often do. You never know when a single stick might be unreachable should you be wrapped up in a particular way without warning, and having various stick types available will help to counter that possibility.


    ALSO,....PLEASE make sure Yawara and Kubotan style sticks are legal to carry in your Country, State, City, or Town before purchasing. Some areas may have restrictions on such things, and I cannot possibly know about every specific law in every area of the world. :-)  Your purchase confirms you have complied with your local laws. Thank You.

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