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Ti Rod Tactical™ FAQ
DEALER Inquires Welcome! Please email for details...
How Do I Place An Order?
To place an order simple click on one of the items of interest, and after reviewing details add it to your cart. Continue to do that until you are ready to check out......
Payment & Shipping
To complete checkout go to your shopping cart to review your items, and follow the simple instructions to provide PayPal payment and decide on your shipping choice. I will ship the same day if reasonably possible,....even on Sundays as there is a local Mall US Post Office Branch open then.
Secure Ordering & Payment Options: Paypal payments accepted at checkout.
NOTE: You can sign into Paypal as a "Guest" in order to securely use your Credit Card if you don't have a Paypal account.
Returns & Refunds:
Every effort is made to delivery what is presented in the descriptions, and I usually ship the same day. I don't like surprises myself, and will accept returns if I've messed up something in the description. More important, because I have every confidence you will love my self defense sticks, based on immense Positive Feedback from my customers (Martial Arts Instructors, Law Enforcement, & Military included!), I offer a.... 1 Year Money Back Guarantee If Not Delighted! NOW you have no reason NOT to try one to see what you've been missing! :-)
Thank you for shopping with Ti Rod Tactical,....
.....and supporting a "Made in America" small business!
Acocdrnig to an elgnsih unviesitry sutdy the oredr of letetrs in a wrod dosen't mttaer, the olny thnig thta's iopmrantt is that the frsit and lsat ltteer of eevry word is in the crcreot ptoision. The rset can be jmbueld and one is stlil able to raed the txet wiohtut dclftfuiiy.

Miscellaneous Tidbits:

Interesting Facts Link On Titanium --->
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